Tuesday, July 2, 2013

be still...

So often I find myself overwhelmed by the chaos of life. 
The tragedies, the horrors, and the confusion of the world.  The hustle and bustle of everyday life. The uncertainties of my life and what I am supposed to be doing with it... 

It is so easy to be swept away in the flood of life.

Several years ago, while walking in a vast forest of variegated shades of green, I listened to the noises that surrounded me. The bird calls from somewhere in the distance. The wind gently moving the trees and making the leaves whisper quiet secrets to each other. The snap of a twig...

I took in the smells of life... of moss covered earth, of firs, of rain.

 I stared at the trees towering hundreds of feet over me. At the textures of all that surrounded me. At the many shades of green... too many to count. My gaze lingered on the sun streaming through the dense branches- seeing the actual  sunbeams stretching out to kiss and warm the ground. 

I felt the soft earth beneath my feet, and the wind gently caress my face. 

My mind felt to wander in the peace of the moment. The thought came to me as an almost overwhelming truth-

"Be still and know that I am God"

It was as if the very wind and trees were whispering it to my soul. As if the sunbeams were illuminating my mind with a message of hope.

In that moment, with nothing but God and His creations around me, I knew.  I knew that God truly was mindful of me

Remembering that feeling of hope in times of turmoil isn't always easy. I think that is why we are supposed to "be still". To take a moment and listen

How else can we really hear?  


 "God is our arefuge and strength, a very present help in trouble."
 "Be astill, and bknow that I am God..."